Should You Wash Your Face Before or After Shaving?

should i wash my face before or after shaving

TL;DR — You should wash your face before and after shaving. This makes it easier to get a close, clean shave and also ensures you get rid of any excess hair and shaving cream.

So, you’ve finally decided to do more than just splash some cold water on your face and call it a day. Kudos. But now you’re standing in front of the mirror, razor in one hand, face wash in the other, and wondering which one comes first.

Do you lather up and then shave, or is it the other way around? It’s like the chicken and the egg, except one of them is going to leave you with razor burn if you get it wrong. Or will it?

Welcome to the thrilling world of male grooming—where the simplest decisions feel like high-stakes gambling with your skin. Keep reading to get the science-backed scoop on when to wash your face when it’s time to banish your stubble.

Should I Wash My Face Before or After Shaving?

You should wash your face right before shaving and right after shaving too. A pre-shave wash gets rid of dirt, excess oil, and dead skin that could turn your razor into a clogging, tugging nightmare. Plus, it softens your facial hair for a smooth, close shave.

After you’ve dragged that blade across your face, it’s time for round two with the face wash. Why? Because shaving opens up your pores and leaves your skin vulnerable to whatever’s hanging around on the surface. The post-shave wash clears away any leftover shaving cream or stray hairs that could cause irritation or breakouts.

Think of washing your face before and after shaving as the grooming equivalent of cleaning up before and after a party: It’s a little extra effort, but it saves you from a mess you’d rather not deal with later.

Here’s how it’s done:

How to Wash Your Face Before Shaving

How to Wash Your Face After Shaving

  • Rinse away the stray hairs and leftover shaving cream with cool water. Avoid hot water, which irritates and dries out your skin.
  • Gently scrub your face with your cleanser
  • Rinse again with cool water
  • Pat dry with a clean towel
  • Apply a lightweight, gel-based moisturizer to prevent redness and razor burn—steer clear of alcohol-based aftershaves which will turn your face into a five-alarm fire.

Should You Shave Your Face Wet or Dry?

Stick with wet shaving. The water softens your beard and opens up your pores, making it easier for the razor to do its job without leaving you with a face full of nicks.

Unless you’re into unnecessary pain, keep it wet and thank yourself later.

When Is the Best Time to Shave Your Face?

We recommend shaving in the morning. That’s when your skin is less puffy and more relaxed after a good night's sleep. Plus, shaving in the morning gives you the whole day to recover if you end up with a little razor burn. The warm water from your morning shower helps soften your beard and open up your pores, making for a smoother, less irritating shave.

Should You Exfoliate Before or After Shaving Your Face?

Always exfoliate before shaving. This clears away dead skin cells and helps lift your facial hair, making for a cleaner, closer shave.

Your face needs time to recover after you drag a sharp razor across it, so if you exfoliate immediately after shaving, there’s a good chance you’ll end up with red, irritated skin.

Get Pre- and Post-Shave Care with PrettyBoy

Contrary to what your Instagram feed says, you don’t need a whole stash of skincare products to look like a gem. We started PrettyBoy to make your skincare routine easier than rookie mode on Madden.

Wash your face with Fresh Start, apply a couple of pumps of Revival, and you’re good to go. No more 17-step regimens that hurt your brain and your bank account. Grab the Skincare Starter Kit and thank us later when strangers start admiring your moneymaker.

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